Low-level (older) API

Note: all query methods are coroutines.

Select, update, delete


Execute SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE query asyncronously.

Parameters:query – peewee query instance created with Model.select(), Model.update() etc.
Returns:result depends on query type, it’s the same as for sync query.execute()
peewee_async.get_object(source, *args)

Get object asynchronously.

  • source – mode class or query to get object from
  • args – lookup parameters

model instance or raises peewee.DoesNotExist if object not found

peewee_async.create_object(model, **data)

Create object asynchronously.

  • model – mode class
  • data – data for initializing object

new object saved to database

peewee_async.delete_object(obj, recursive=False, delete_nullable=False)

Delete object asynchronously.

  • obj – object to delete
  • recursive – if True also delete all other objects depends on object
  • delete_nullable – if True and delete is recursive then delete even ‘nullable’ dependencies

For details please check out Model.delete_instance() in peewee docs.

peewee_async.update_object(obj, only=None)

Update object asynchronously.

  • obj – object to update
  • only – list or tuple of fields to updata, is None then all fields updated
This function does the same as Model.save() for already saved object,
but it doesn’t invoke save() method on model class. That is important to know if you overrided save method for your model.
peewee_async.prefetch(sq, *subqueries)

Asynchronous version of the prefetch() from peewee.


Transactions required Python 3.5+ to work, because their syntax is based on async context managers.

Important note transactions rely on data isolation on asyncio per-task basis. That means, all queries for single transaction should be performed within same task.


Asynchronous context manager (async with), similar to peewee.atomic().

peewee_async.savepoint(db, sid=None)

Asynchronous context manager (async with), similar to peewee.savepoint().


Asynchronous context manager (async with), similar to peewee.transaction(). Will start new asyncio task for transaction if not started already.


peewee_async.count(query, clear_limit=False)

Perform COUNT aggregated query asynchronously.

Returns:number of objects in select() query
peewee_async.scalar(query, as_tuple=False)

Get single value from select() query, i.e. for aggregation.

Returns:result is the same as after sync query.scalar() call


class peewee_async.PostgresqlDatabase(database, thread_safe=True, autorollback=False, field_types=None, operations=None, autocommit=None, **kwargs)

PosgreSQL database driver providing single drop-in sync connection and single async connection interface.


database = PostgresqlDatabase('test')

See also: http://peewee.readthedocs.io/en/latest/peewee/api.html#PostgresqlDatabase


Similar to peewee Database.atomic() method, but returns asynchronous context manager.

connect_async(loop=None, timeout=None)

Set up async connection on specified event loop or on default event loop.


Similar to peewee Database.savepoint() method, but returns asynchronous context manager.


Similar to peewee Database.transaction() method, but returns asynchronous context manager.

class peewee_async.PooledPostgresqlDatabase(database, thread_safe=True, autorollback=False, field_types=None, operations=None, autocommit=None, **kwargs)

PosgreSQL database driver providing single drop-in sync connection and async connections pool interface.

Parameters:max_connections – connections pool size


database = PooledPostgresqlDatabase('test', max_connections=20)

See also: http://peewee.readthedocs.io/en/latest/peewee/api.html#PostgresqlDatabase

connect_async(loop=None, timeout=None)

Set up async connection on specified event loop or on default event loop.

class peewee_asyncext.PostgresqlExtDatabase(*args, **kwargs)

PosgreSQL database extended driver providing single drop-in sync connection and single async connection interface.

JSON fields support is always enabled, HStore supports is enabled by default, but can be disabled with register_hstore=False argument.


database = PostgresqlExtDatabase('test', register_hstore=False)

See also: https://peewee.readthedocs.io/en/latest/peewee/


Similar to peewee Database.atomic() method, but returns asynchronous context manager.

connect_async(loop=None, timeout=None)

Set up async connection on specified event loop or on default event loop.


Similar to peewee Database.savepoint() method, but returns asynchronous context manager.


Similar to peewee Database.transaction() method, but returns asynchronous context manager.

class peewee_asyncext.PooledPostgresqlExtDatabase(*args, **kwargs)

PosgreSQL database extended driver providing single drop-in sync connection and async connections pool interface.

JSON fields support is always enabled, HStore supports is enabled by default, but can be disabled with register_hstore=False argument.

Parameters:max_connections – connections pool size


database = PooledPostgresqlExtDatabase('test', register_hstore=False,

See also: https://peewee.readthedocs.io/en/latest/peewee/

connect_async(loop=None, timeout=None)

Set up async connection on specified event loop or on default event loop.